Announcing our first-ever Intro to Photoshop class. Designed for the hobbyist photographer, taught by photographers, this class will, in five short weeks, introduce you to the wonders of Photoshop. Transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, the mundane into the magnificent.
Taught by photographic professionals, this class will put jet fuel in your creative tanks. No prior Photoshop experience is necessary (but it doesn't hurt). You must have a laptop with Photoshop.
The class is on Monday nights from 7-9 for five consecutive weeks starting March 28th. Cost of the class is $229. To reserve your seat call 814-868-0888 or e-mail
Class One: Just the Basics. Learn the Photoshop environment, the essential tools, cloning, non-destructive editing, file formats, cropping, thinking in Photoshop. (Mar. 28)
Class Two: Image Improvement. Enhance images through exposure adjustment, color balance, levels, saturation, black & white, selective lighting and more. (April 7)
Class Three: The Power of Layers. Experience Photoshop's most exhilarating feature. Learn how to unlock the powers of non-destructive creativity. Discover the freedom. (April 14)
Class Four: Fixing Flaws. Learn how to remove unwanted objects, correct facial flaws, dodge and burn, smooth skin, selectively colorize, vignette and more. (Apr 21)
Class Five: The Big Wow: Seamlessly combine these amazing techniques to create grander, more beautiful images. Impress your friends. (April 28)
This small, ten-person class will offer lots of hands-on assistance. Students are encouraged to bring a few images of their own on a jump drive (flash drive) to work on in class.
The class is team taught by Paul Lorei and Scott McGrath. Paul is a veteran photographer with 10 yrs. of Photoshop experience. Scott is a local artist, a Photoshop ninja and printer extraordinaire at Lorei Portraits.
Seating is limited to 10 in this hands-on workshop. Classes meet on Mon. eve. 7-9PM. Scott & Paul will help you navigate through the common pitfalls and quirks of Photoshop while giving you valuable feedback.
If you are serious about improving your photography, this class is for you. Photoshop can be very intimidating at first, but with a little diligence and inspiration, your photos will transform into images that are both appealing and delightful. You'll surprise even yourself.
Simple Shortcuts
Photoshop is a marvelous but complicated program. Each week we will give you tips, short cuts, insights, assignments--all designed to help you learn this program in the shortest amount of time.
Call 814.868.0888 to reserve your seat. Cost: $229.00
Raves from Past Photography Students
"Your passion and artistic eye have given me a whole new level of enthusiasm." --Dr. Michael Kolodychak
"Our class seems to be the fastest two hours of my week. You are truly an artist. It has made me look at photography in a whole different way." --Kelly Wesler
"Taking great photos is an art form in itself. Paul an easy-to-learn format. I am incorporating photos into my greeting card business...I highly recommend the class." --Pat Lyon
Sign Up
Classes start Monday, March 28 at 7PM. Cost is $229.00. Call 814.868.0888 to reserve a seat.
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